Our Roots

It all started with a simple idea: real ingredients, real benefits, no shortcuts.

Gary, who is naturally an herbalist, chef, and chemist by practice, immediately began creating juice concoctions and meals based on their powerful benefits. We started consuming these juices daily, and since 2017, we have not purchased any juice for our home.

Adopting this new lifestyle initiated a detoxification process, reducing stress on our minds and bodies and providing more opportunity for healing. The evident weight and waste loss motivated me to continue. When I returned to the doctor about six months later, the issues had not completely disappeared but had significantly shrunk.

Neither of us wanted to introduce any foreign, petroleum-based substances into our bodies, fearing the deleterious side effects that could potentially worsen our conditions. After enjoying optimal health for many years and then experiencing a downturn, it was time to leverage my degree and certifications in health and wellness to unlock our natural healing capabilities. To delve deeper, I consulted with my mentors, who have been in the wellness field since the 1970s, and was advised to avoid all store-bought juices and make my own instead.